
  What's Zulu?
  Live Sites
  Sample Templates




The Zulu Version 1 download page is: http://www.positron.ch/zulu/zulu_v1/current/download/index.html.


Tools which complement Zulu: www.positron.ch/zulu/tools/tools

Zulu Samples

Every Sample is a good starting point for your Website. Everything you need is included, the Zulu Assembler zulu.py too.

There is a selfexplaining sample in every subfolder. The filename contains the release date and the version number of the zulu-version which it includes.

The samples may be found here: http://www.positron.ch/zulu/download/samples.

Zulu Manual

The zip file contains

  • Zulu-website (created with Zulu, a sample website und and guide in one.)
  • zulu_structure.xls: Excel-file - The structure of the Zulu guide.
  • zulu.py: The Zulu-assembler.
  • Several templates (layouts) which can be used to experiment and create your own website.

The following list shows the versions of Zulu version 2 which have been published so far:

zulu_2005-05-08a_v2.1.6.zip   1'227 kB   New: TwinHelix Sample Site

zulu_2005-03-09a_v2.1.5.zip   1'227 kB   Bugfix: Corrected version number in zulu.py.
Bugfix: Better error messages.
New: Link to Zulu-Samples: http://www.positron.ch/zulu/download/samples

zulu_2004-12-19a_v2.1.4.zip: old   1'227 kB   Bugfix: Works now with Python-Versions 2.2, 2.3 ans 2.4. Only the Visual-Basic Code in zulu_structure.xls has changed.

zulu_2004-05-30a_v2.1.3.zip: old   1'227 kB   New: Sitemap: Hidden pages are hidden now. Second try...

zulu_2004-05-11a_v2.1.2.zip: old   1'227 kB   New: Sitemap: Hidden pages are hidden now.

zulu_2004-02-19a_v2.1.1.zip: old   920 kB   New: Documentation for the Installation on Mac OS X using Excel.
New: Documentation for the Installation on Linux using Open Office.
Bugfix: Path in multilanguage-templates

zulu_2004-02-05a_v2.1.0.zip: old   920 kB   Small Bugfixes.
The standard-Template conforms now to w3c-xhtml. Zulu-Emblem designed by Paul Märki integrated.

zulu_2003-04-08a_v2.0.3.zip: old   920 kB   New: Supports OpenOffice on Windows and Linux.
New: English Translation ready.

zulu_2003-03-18a_v2.0.2.zip: old   850 kB   Hidden entries documented.
New: <!--Zulu:Tag:InputLastModifiedDate-->
New: Site map creation.

zulu_2003-03-17a_v2.0.1.zip: old   850 kB   Corrected erroneous links in the guide etc..

zulu_2003-03-15a_v2.0.0.zip: old   850 kB   The first python-version.

Die most current version of this page may be found at: http://www.positron.ch/zulu/zulu_v2/current/download

Zulu version 1 (obsolete)

Provide a ZIP-file (only for authors)

  • Adjust the version number in the root directory: zulu_2002-05-09i_v0.8.0
  • Adjust the version number in zulu.py: sVersion
  • Adjust the version number in the table earlier on this page.
  • Delete all assembled files.
  • run zulu_create_all.bat. This creates the folder web including the content.
  • Create ZIP-files of the root directory: zulu_2002-05-09i_v0.8.0.zip
  • Transfer the directory structure to the webserver.
  • Optional: transfer the ZIP-file to the webserver directory download/zulu_2002-05-09i_v0.8.0.zip

Letzte Änderung 2003-04-03