This tutorial describes the use of Zulu for the edition and generation of Web sites. It is composed of following components:
Das Tutorial zeigt, wie eine Zulu-Website installiert wird. Dabei
werden verschiedene Mechanismen erklärt. Das Tutorial ist in vier verschiedene Teile aufgeteilt:
For the dummies:
Installieren / Assemblieren / Betrachten einer minimalen Zulu-Web-Site
Experimentieren I:
Bestehende Seiten verändern / Menu-Einträge verändern / Neue Seiten und Menu-Einträge einfügen
Experimentieren II:
Für Fortgeschrittene: ändern des (Style-)Templates
Tools um weiter zu kommen:
Uploaden der Site (FTP, HttpUpload, wxHttpUpload, Mapped Network Drive), Alpuma (Fotoalben erstellen)
Mehr-sprachiges oder Multi-lingual Zulu:
Zulu unterstützt auch für viel-sprachige Sites: die Zahl der Sprachen kann den Bedürfnissen angepasst, das heisst vergrössert oder verkleinert werden - muss aber mindestens eins betragen(...).
Zulu @ Mac OS X / Excel:
Wie funktioniert Zulu auf Mac OS X mit Excel ?
Zulu & OpenOffice:
Wie funktioniert Zulu mit OpenOffice ?
To be completed.
Zulu @ Linux:
Kann Zulu auf Linux portiert werden ?
OpenOffice Basic sollte sicherlich portabel sein ...
Installing / Assembling / Viewing
- Installation:
Download zulu_2003-03-15a_v2.0.0.zip and unpack it. You may
found the download page here.
- Delete generated pages:
Search in the Zulu-directory for all files with names matching *.html and
which contain the text DON'T EDIT. Delete them.
- Install Python. How to install Python is described here.
- Assembling:
Open the Excel-file zulu_templates\current\zulu_structure.xls .
Then click the button labelled 'Zulu'. By clicking the link zulu_errorlog.html
(located in line 6 of the Excel-file) the error output may be consulted. The
error output should not contain any orange or red lines.
- Viewing:
By clicking the link ..\index.html on line 5 of the Excel-file
the new assembled website is opened in a browser.
Consider the advantages of Zulu:
The installation is simple and Zulu requires no extra tools.
The website can be viewed on a local computer.
Several version of a Zulu-website may exist. They can be maintained at the same
Switching layouts
The layout of the website can be easily changed by choosing from a template
in the 'Template:' line in the Excel-file.

In order to view the website with its new layout you must reassemble it by
clicking the Zulu-button and reload the page in your browser.
Consider the advantages of Zulu:
The layout is separated from the content.